Holy Moly is this thing still on? It’s been a while since a good old fashioned blog post. I haven’t dissapeared! In fact I’ve been busy working on a ton of new music. The 1st batch of which is out right this very minute! My brand spanking new EP entitled Leaving is out now!

I started working on this thing in 2022 if you believe that! I began with a full length LP in mind, but as the songs started coming together it started to feel like 2 separate groups of songs that were, although similar conceptually, pretty different sonically. About half were really mellow, introspective melancholic indie songs with a folky and singer-songwriter sort of touch. The other half were a little louder, noisier and some of them were more power-pop/indie rock. I’ve certainly released albums and EPs containing a mixed bag before, but I wanted to try something different this time & separate them out to have a couple of really consistent sounding EPs.

My plan was (and still is) to release a physical version once the 2nd EP is out containing both EPs - one on each side (so probably cassette and/or vinyl.

I’m really proud of this EP & when I listen back it reminds me of a lot of things. It documents a time of a lot of change over the last couple/few years. Aside from all the change everyone had to go through as a human species, I also moved out of state & dealt with some loss. I’ve been lucky and still am to have not had to deal with a whole lot of loss relatively speaking, so when I say a lot of loss I guess I mean more loss than I’m used to. These songs helped me process things while I was in what seemed like a pretty long cycle of constant movement. I feel like I’m starting to pontificate a little too much now.. Long story short is that this EP means a lot to me & making it helped me deal with some life stuff. I hope anyone reading this can find something in it to make them feel better in some way or another.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy it & I look forward to keeping this train a’rollin’ so to speak.

Stream the EP Here: https://henrychadwick.fanlink.tv/Leaving

Thanks so much!

Hope you have a great weekend,


Tomorrow Is Today, out now!

It's been a while!

I wanted to swing by and share my new single, "Tomorrow Is Today" that just came out via Swoon City Music.
I'm very excited about this one and just happy to be putting music out again. Plenty more coming out soon!

It’s premiering over at Vents Magazine, who said some nice things about it.

It's also available everywhere digitally - click the link below to choose your preferred location.

I sincerely hope you enjoy it, I'm really proud of how it turned out. I recorded & mixed it myself and played most the stuff on it other than the trumpet which was played by the incomparable Bart Budwig.

It was mastered by Joe Lambert, and the cover art was brought to life by Jorde Durden (photo) and Kevin Macaraeg (design).
Anywho, that's all the news for today, but it would mean a ton if you gave it a listen and saved it (if you deem it worthy).

Hope this song can act as some groovy background music for the great weekend that I hope you have.



Inside The Magic, Episode 6 - Trippy Acoustic Guitar

Hey Folks,

It’s been a while between videos and updates yet again. Before I ramble on about what I’ve been up to, here is episode 6 of Inside The Magic, where I take a look at some trippy, fun acoustic guitar on a new song of mine:


I’ve been a busy boy working on various music projects, including what has turned into a 12 (possibly 13) track album. It’s so damn close to being finished I can just about taste it (and it tastes pretty damn good from what I can tell - if I don’t say so myself.) It’s been a labor of love and marks a lot of growth as a songwriter and person. It’s really the culmination of well over a decade’s worth of musical work from when I first started writing, performing and recording my earliest songs with my 1st couple of Jr high and high school bands.

It’s been a few years since I released music that I did the technical work on pretty much by myself. I’ve worked on plenty of albums and projects as a producer/engineer/mixer, but the last time I did all that on my own music was back in 2016 with my debut EP, Guest At Home.

Since then, I’ve put out a full length record that was produced and mixed by Rob Schnapf and engineered by Brian Rosemeyer in 2018 and another EP that I released last year which I worked alongside engineer and mixer, Mike Beck out in Brooklyn.

Both of those experiences taught me a ton and I feel like I’ve leveled up on multiple fronts this go around, both as a songwriter and an engineer and mixer.

I’ve also been taking advantage of this time to upgrade the home mixing/overdub studio setup as well as the setup over at Compound Recordings where I spend a good amount of time these days.

Here’s a panoramic of the bedroom converted into a control room - complete with instruments, gear, sound treatment and a 90s style entertainment station (Super Nintendo and a VHS player.)

Here’s a panoramic of the bedroom converted into a control room - complete with instruments, gear, sound treatment and a 90s style entertainment station (Super Nintendo and a VHS player.)

At any rate, if I don't check in before then I hope you have a great end to a year that I think we'll all be happy to see in the rear view mirror.

Looking forward to a more optimistic 2021 (fingers crossed!). I'm certainly looking forward to sharing what I've been cooking up and getting to play with my band again!

Cheers and Happy Holidays,


Inside The Magic, Episode 5 - "Change" Layering Overview

Hey folks,

Back with another episode of Inside The Magic! Taking apart another song off of my 2018 full length album, Marlin Fisher. This time the song is “Change”. The song was produced and mixed by Rob Schnapf, Engineered by Brian Rosemeyer and mastered by Mark Chalecki. Written and performed by yours truly.

The music video clips were from the official music video for the song, shot by Element Productions.

It was fun listening through it again and picking it apart a bit. Hope you enjoy it!


Inside The Magic, Episode 4 - Crazy Drum Sounds

Hey Folks,

I’m back at it here now that the dust has settled some. It’s been great to get back to work on the album, and it’s also been really fun to take apart bits and pieces of it for these videos. This week I took apart a crazy-sounding, atypical drum setup for one of the new tracks, “10 Minute Reign (Rain)”. It’s a fun one!

Hope you enjoy,


Fire Relief

Hey All,

As you’ve probably heard, the whole west coast has been on fire for the past month or two. Sadly, this includes my home town, Santa Cruz.

More specifically, I live in Ben Lomond, which is nestled in a part of the Santa Cruz Mountains known as the San Lorenzo Valley. This area was hit particularly hard during the CZU Complex Fire, with over 1000 structures burned.

We had to evacuate for a couple of weeks but my home, along with most of Ben Lomond was spared. Unfortunately this was not the case for many others living in neighboring towns, particularly Boulder Creek and Bonny Doon.

I grew up in this area and know so many people who lost everything. Not that there is ever a good time to be uprooted – or especially to lose ones home – but it’s a surreally bad time for it in the middle of a pandemic when everyone has been instructed to shelter in place.

It has been touching to see people come together to help one another, and I’m honored to participate in some small way to give back to the community that has given me so much.

I recorded this live version of a new song while I was evacuated in an RV in Watsonville, and the fires were still raging all around in the area. I hope you enjoy the song. Follow the links below to donate and check more music and art.


Henry Chadwick sings "Brief Relief" along with a message of support for Santa Cruz County as we respond to the most destructive fire in Santa Cruz County history. Part of "Love You Madly - Artists for Santa Cruz Mountains Fire Relief". Please enjoy, share, and donate any amount at: https://www.cfscc.org/loveyoumadly More videos, art and see the impact the funds are having at https://www.santacruzfirerelief.org/

Inside The Magic, Episode 3 - Bag Of Chips layering overview

Hey folks,

Just finished a very fun episode of Inside The Magic. This one was a blast from not too far in the past. It’s a layering overview of “Bag Of Chips”, a song off of my full length LP that i put out in 2018 - Marlin Fisher.

I recorded the album with producer Rob Schnapf and engineer Brian Rosemeyer at Rob’s studio, MANT in Los Angeles and had a ton of fun doing so. It was really fun going back through the stems of this one and taking a little trip down memory lane. Hope you enjoy!

New music is right around the corner as well, which I’m VERY excited about.

Hope you’re staying sane/healthy and finding something to get excited for.



Inside The Magic, Ep. 2 - Fun With Cassette Tapes

Hey folks,

Quickly dropping by with another installment of my Inside The Magic (i.e. behind the music) series on youtube. This one’s a bit different. I had some fun with an old cassette tape recorder and record player to add some excitement to a new song. Once this song is out (soon!) I’ll do more of a layering overview for it like my last video.

For now, hope you enjoy this one and then take that enjoyment and run with it straight through the rest of the week and weekend.



Behind The Magic, Ep. 1 - "What I Mean To Say" layering overview

Hey gang,

What a time to be alive! All things considered, I feel pretty lucky to be able to shelter in place comfortably and to continue to work on music from home, but I will say that I’ve been starting to get fairly antsy, and most of all been missing connecting to the outside world!

In a parallel universe, I’d be out on tour right at this moment somewhere up in the Pacific Northwest, but like everyone else’s, my plans are on hold.

On that note though, I wanted to start finding more creative ways to share my new music, so I’m going to start posting these behind the magic videos on a regular basis.

This particular video takes a birds-eye look at the layering for the big finale chorus and ending of the song I put out last month, “What I Mean To Say”. Some video’s will get more specific and focus on one or two things in more details and some will be more broad. If you want to see anything in particular please send me a message or drop a comment and let me know what! I’d ideally like to post something that at least someone would enjoy watching.

In other news, thanks to everyone who’s listened to the song, it’s gotten some really nice reviews and even scored an official Apple Music playlist placement. Check out a few reviews below, and check out the song itself HERE and save it to your own library/playlist.

Music Mecca - Review and Interview

The Bay Bridged - Review

Vinyl Chapters - Review


Hope you enjoy and I’ll check back in soon!



"What I Meant To Say" - Out Now!

Hey Folks,

My new single, 
"What I Mean To Say" is officially out! 
This song means a lot to me. Writing it helped me through a tough time and maybe hearing it will help you in some small way if you need it, or maybe it won't!
Maybe it will just serve as some vibey background sounds while you consider donating to one of the following foundations in honor of 

Color Of Change
The Bail Project
The Innocence Project

Whatever you do, I hope you like the tune.
If you feel like helping a musician out (me), feel free to save the track to your library, post about it, tell your friends, acquaintances and even a few strangers! 
Or just sit back and enjoy the song as many times as your heart desires.

If you want to follow me on social media here are some links to do so:


Stay safe, healthy and sane! 
Best wishes,


P.S. all vinyl and CD sales via my online store through the end of the month will go directly to one of the aforementioned foundations. 

Something didn't sit right...

Hey All,

After sharing my last post, something didn’t sit right about taking up space in on the internet for any personal reasons just now. It is, I feel a moral obligation as a human being right now to stand up against racism of all kinds and specifically abuse of power and violent acts towards black people in this country and around the world.

After talking it over and thinking about it, I’ve decided to postpone my single release by a couple of weeks and instead ask anyone reading this to consider donating to one of the below organizations. In addition to this I’ll be following the lead of some other musicians and friends and donating all online vinyl and CD proceeds from now through this Friday to the George Floyd Memorial GoFundMe page.

Consider donating to:

George Floyd Memorial GoFundMe

Black Visions Collective

Reclaim The Block

The Bail Project

I’ll be back in touch with a new release date soon. Hope your today’s better than yesterday and your tomorrow’s better than today.



"What I Mean To Say" - Coming this Friday!

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve written an update here and it felt like I was overdue. So here I am! What a crazy insane year it’s turning out to be! Hope you’re safe and sane and healthy wherever you’re reading this from.

I’ve been fully embracing the hermit lifestyle of quarantine and have even started growing a gnome-like beard on my face. Who knows how long I’ll keep it so here’s a picture for proof.

I’ve been fully embracing the hermit lifestyle of quarantine and have even started growing a gnome-like beard on my face. Who knows how long I’ll keep it so here’s a picture for proof.

Some good news on my end! I’ll be putting out the first of many new songs this very Friday (June 5th)! It’s called “What I Mean To Say” and I’m really excited to be releasing it. The quarantine gave me a good nudge to get my home recording and mixing suite up and running and I’ve been using it to finish up my second full length album, which I’m pleased to say is getting very close!

Special thanks to Universal Audio for making great coffee mugs… oh yeah and gear too!

Special thanks to Universal Audio for making great coffee mugs… oh yeah and gear too!

In other exciting news, my full band will be joining me on the following Friday (June 12th) for a live stream concert on the roof of the MAH in Santa Cruz through Event Santa Cruz’s Facebook page.

Click here for more info.

I’ll check in again this Friday with a link to listen to the new song! For now, if you feel like helping out a musician during these crazy times, here are some links to follow me on Spotify and social media as well as buy some physical copies of my music on CD and Vinyl.


HC on Spotify HC on Youtube HC on Instagram HC on Facebook HC on Twitter


Talk to you soon!


Up Nexties

Hey All,

It’s been a little bit, and I come bearing a bit of exciting news in the form of a humble-brag...

For those unfamiliar with that term, humble bragging is when one shares exciting news that they are proud of, but in attempt to not sound arrogant, they mask it by saying how truly humbling it is to have received such news - or to have been blessed with such an opportunity..

So with that in mind.. I’m truly humbled to have received an award for Musician Of The Year at the 2019 Nexties. The Award ceremony is tomorrow night (Friday, March 22nd), at the incredible Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz, CA.

All hints of humor and sarcasm aside, I love making music more than I love most things and I’ve been doing it for some time now. It is a really nice and validating feeling to be recognized for what you love and choose to do. If you’re around Santa Cruz and want to see what other local businesses and artists have done cool things this past year, come on out!

Also awarded for musical accomplishments that night are Cement Ship, Mira Goto and Anthony Arya. We’ll all be hopping on stage together along with Jesse Daniel and Lindsey Wall at the end of the evening. My band and I will be playing an original song at some point in the evening as well. Tickets to the event are available at the link below:



In other news, I’ve got a few shows coming up including a hometown show at one of our favorite spots. Dates below:

March 30th - The Crepe Place - Santa Cruz, CA

April 18th - The Uptown - Oakland, CA

May 10th - Bottom Of The Hill - San Francisco, CA (Full Band) w/ The Ha + Matt Jaffe

See you soon, and hope all is well!



First Show of 2019 in SF - Sat, 1/12 at Bottom Of The Hill

Hey Folks,

A fashionably late Happy New Year!

Hope your Holidays were good and Holidayish. I wanted to reach out and say thanks for all the support last year! It really meant a ton.

This year is already shaping up to be a pretty great one. Kicking it off with the band this Saturday (1/12) at Bottom Of the Hill in San Francisco. We’re opening up for LA-based rock band, Warbly Jets. They’re pretty awesome. Also playing first will be the SF local badasses, The Pleasure Routine.

Super excited to start this year out at a great venue with a couple of great bands.

Click the link below to buy advance tickets to the show and save a couple bucks!:

* January 12th - Bottom Of The Hill -San Francisco, CA - (Full Band) w/ Warbly Jets


After that I’ll be hitting the road a bit for some solo shows, which I’m really looking forward to.

Here are the dates so far (more announced soon):

January 12th - Bottom Of The Hill -San Francisco, CA - (Full Band) w/ Warbly Jets

January 17th - The Dip - Redding, CA - (Solo) w/ Tommy Alexander + Long Gone John

January 18th - Amnesia - San Fransisco, CA - (Solo) w/ Tommy Alexander + Long Gone John

February 8th - Honey @ Alma Mater - Tacoma, WA (Solo) w/ Trusty Sea Creatures

February 9th - Strum Guitars - Portland, OR (Solo) w/ Long Gone John

February 10th - Fort George Brewery - Astoria, OR (Solo) w/ Tommy Alexander

See you soon!


New Song! - "Bag Of Chips"

Hey All,

It's with immense excitement that I release "Bag Of Chips", the 1st single off of my upcoming album, Marlin Fisher.

The song is available on Spotify, Apple Music and pretty much anywhere else you would go to listen to/purchase music online. 

Please feel free to give it a spin or two (or many if the spirit moves you). Hope you enjoy it!

Spotify: spoti.fi/2NxoCht
Apple Music: apple.co/2u0hJxh

Here is a stop motion lyric video for it  (created by myself) .

Lyric Video: youtu.be/u49tEvwQBeM



I'll be releasing my album on August 31. You can pre-order a copy on vinyl or CD at this link:



My band (Eddie Curzon, Zach Scott and Anders Cochran) and I will be hitting the road this fall and we look forward to seeing some familiar (and unfamiliar) faces.

More shows to be added, but the current tour dates are below. If you don't see your town here feel free to shoot us a note and let us know where we need to go! 

August 2nd - Frog And Peach - San Luis Obispo, CA

August 3rd - The Catalyst, Atrium - Santa Cruz, CA (opening for Whiskerman)

August 10th - The Saint - Reno, NV

August 18th - Love Song Bar - Los Angeles, CA (LA Record Release Show)

August 25th - The Crepe Place - Santa Cruz, CA (Santa Cruz Record Release Show)

August 30th - Smiley's Schooner Saloon - Bolinas, CA

September 1st - Oberon's - Ashland, OR

Septemner 2nd - The Space - Salem, OR

September 4th - Central Saloon, Seattle, WA

September 5th - LaurelThirst - Portland, OR

September 6th - Axe & Fiddle - Cottage Grove, OR

September 8th - Amnesia - San Francisco, CA

-More Dates TBA-


More to come soon. Enjoy the weekend and beyond!


2018 - A Musical Prophecy...

Good gravy... it's been a while... Far too long, I dare say. 

What have I been up to, you ask? Have I been busy working on something new? Rest assured, I have indeed been busy, concocting a potent new elixir of sorts. This elixir, unlike some, is not made of liquids, herbs, or any other orally digestible ingredients that may jump to the forefront of one's mind whilst attempting to imagine such a thing... Rather, this elixir is made of sound... Auditorily ingestible sound... Sound in the form of songs. 

That's right, I (with the help of some ear wizards of the first degree) have brewed a powerful blend of songs in the form of an album. They've been growing and incubating in an egg-like state, and I have been sitting on them... much like a musical hen...waiting...nurturing...

When will these sound eggs hatch? The answer to that is quite simple... This very year... when the weather is hot... A time betwixt the spring and the fall...The summer...


Anyways, hope all is well on your end. Excited about finally putting new music out and playing some shows with the band. I'll check back in soon. 




2017 In Review

Another year down..

Well here we are. We made it through another one. 2017 has been a year, that's for sure. 365 days went by. According to math, science and calendars, that qualifies it as a legitimate, state-of-the-art year. But just what kind of year was it? Well, like most years, 2017 held it's share of ups and downs. I find that New Years Eve is a good opportunity to reflect back upon the high points. 

Let's take a look shall we?

- This year, I got a new tour vehicle, The Rattleship, and took it on a few great excursions, including a few show run opening up for Alt Country badass, Cory Branan.

- I got to tour around the country once more on the drums with my old friends and comrades, The Coffis Brothers and The Mountain Men. That was a helluva trip. 

- I got to spend a bucket-list sort of month recording an album down in LA with a killer producer and engineer. In doing so, I also got to couch surf and catch up with old friends and family members I haven't seen in a long time. 

- I got to spend a week out in Indiana playing a few shows and getting in touch with the Midwestern way of life. I met all sorts of great folks out there.

- I produced/recorded/mixed four EPs for different talented artists that actually saw completion and now exist in the world. That's a good feeling, as these projects can take a while. I started other albums that are coming along swimmingly as well. 

- I became an Uncle in January, which is awesome. My brother and his wife had a daughter, Eloise, who is hilarious and has already shown some serious interest in guitar. The best part about Unclehood is the lack of work involved. Other than buying christmas presents, and the one diaper that I had to change, the work load has been prettay prettay light.. She's awesome and it's been crazy watching how much she's grown even in 11 months. 

- I also got to welcome the newest two members of HC + Battlesnake, Eddie Curzon on guitar, and Zach Scott on bass. These cats can play, let me tell you. They got claws and they keep them sharp. But don't just take my word for it, see for yourself...

The lineup will be making it's official debut on Jan 5th at The Crepe Place, here in Santa Cruz, CA, as well as Sunday, Jan 7th at Fourth Street Vine in Long Beach, CA.  

To sum it all up...

I got to spend some quality time with friends, family, my girlfriend, musicians, and many more people. Music took me to six different states, if my math is correct. I logged some serious and quality time in the wonderful cave that is a recording studio. All in all, it was a helluva year. 

I'm looking forward to seeing what 2018 holds.

It definitely holds the two shows below:

Friday, January 5th - The Crepe Place - Santa Cruz, CA

Sunday, January 7th - Fourth Street Vine - Long Beach, CA


At any rate, I hope you had a great year and that next year is even better. 



Update October

Whew. Things have been happening behind the old metaphorical curtains as they say in the biz. Times they are a'changin', as Bob Dylan says. What has happened since I last checked in? Well I'll give you the brief rundown. I went on my last tour with the Coffis Brothers at the end of July. That was a hell of a time. We got to catch up with old friends, hang with new friends, and really appreciate it all. I flew directly from our last show in Denver to LA to record an album with producer, Rob Schnapf and engineer, Brian Rosemeyer. Rob has worked on some of my favorite albums growing up, and as a team they've worked on some of my favorite current albums so it was pretty dang cool for me that it all worked out.

At any rate, I spent all of August couch surfing and recording. Thank you if you are reading this and let me sleep on your couch/floor/spare mattress/guest room. I think I remembered to fold sheets and clean up after myself, but I do apologize if I forgot.  I saw some sights, ate some hummus, drank some tasty Mexican beer. My new favorite beer is Victoria. Somehow I'd never ingested it before. It's really quite delicious... Crisp... Refreshing... Overall, it was an awesome experience, and I am more than stoked with the outcome. More on that soon...

After that, I was home for a couple weeks training up and jamming with some new fellas that will soon be known as Battlesnake MkII (or something else maybe. Only time will tell.) I then headed out to Indianapolis, IN to play the Fountain Square Music Festival and a couple other shows. It was a great time, and I like Indianapolis — or Indy, as the locals call it — quite a bit. Thanks to you folks who watched me play and bobbed your heads/snagged a CD/signed up for the email list etc. etc.

I'm back home now, safe and sound, and looking forward to more things. Thanks again to all who have made the past few months a great time. I'll have some show announcements soon, but for now I just wanted to check in since it's been a while.

Hope life has been good for you since we last spoke, and will continue to be until the next time. I actually hope it remains good long after that even. Just in general, hope your life is a good one.


Talk soon,



Summer - Crepes - Shows - Great Stories

Summer Is Here

My how the time flies... It's summer yet again and it sure feels like it. The heat alone is a dead giveaway. It's raining less often, which is also a telltale sign. In addition to that, show schedules have been picking up a bit. In fact, I've got a show coming up tomorrow (as I'm writing this.)

HC + Battlesnake @ The Crepe Place

The band of down and dirty rock cats that go by the fitting name of Battlesnake will be joining me yet again at The Crepe Place in Santa Cruz, CA. The Crepe Place is one of my favorite venues, for a number of reasons.

Reason 1: It's small, packs relatively easily and feels like a sweet party. The band sets up on the floor and the audience all gathers around to delight at the sights and sounds. 

Reason 2: The free crepe.. I won't lie, I initially had this as reason 1. It's a great crepe. And it's a free great. it's a great, free Crepe and I get to eat it. For free. I get to wash it down with a drink or two comped by the venue, which is also good. Mind you, this deal is only available to the performers (as an attendee, you would need to pay for your Crepe. I've done this as well, and it is worth it.) 

Reason 3. It's truly an all ages venue. Because they serve food, all ages are welcome, and if one is of age they can enjoy an adult beverage anywhere they like (inside the venue that is. You can't take drinks onto the street etc.)

Reason 4/5. The staff are good folks and the sound ain't nothing to scoff at..

With all that in mind, it's really no wonder that I enjoy playing there. 

CoBro Tour

I'm also hitting the road on the drums with the Coffis Brothers in a couple weeks. Heading out to Wyoming to play a nice little festival called the Oyster Ridge Music Festival and booking some shows around that. It otto be one heck of a time. More info on that can be found at www.coffisbrothers.com.

What Else Is New?

Well, I've been working on new tunes of course... Crafting, sculpting, shaping, recording, mixing, demoing etc... I've also been recording some other bands and artists, trying to sneak in a little RnR (rest and relaxation) when I can. This brings me to my next segment..


How does a guy like me find time to sit back and appreciate the little things in life, and when he does find it, what does he do with it? Well I wonder about that myself sometimes, it's interesting you should bring it up. Let's see...I enjoy a good show on them internets, a good record or new musical discovery. I like to bowl. Interesting bowling story... just the other day I went bowling, which I quite enjoyed. I played about 3 games and had a great time. That's the end of the story. Some may not actually find it very interesting, but others might. These things are subjective, which is what makes them great.

Let's see what else... I went to the theater and saw the 5th installment of Pirates Of The Caribbean saga the other day. Would I call it a good movie? No I wouldn't.. Did I enjoy it? Yes I did...  That could be considered yet another great story, depending on how it is looked at. Some may call it short, sweet and to the point. Others may find it less than enticing, calling it "unnecessary" or "lacking a beginning, middle and end, which are the 3 key ingredients to a story.." I think I fall in the first camp personally, but that's just me. 

Anyways, I could spend all day sharing really cool stories with you, but I've got things to do, and I'm sure you do as well. 

If you're in Santa Cruz, I'll see you tomorrow! If not, I hope to see you soon.

Your's truly,




Cory Branan + HC Solo California Dates

Hey There,

Stopping through with some good news...

I'll be joining the talented and badass Cory Branan for a few dates on his West Coast, solo tour this June. As you may or may not know, I usually play with a highly trained, loud and overwhelmingly fashionable band of professionals, and don't often go out and about accompanied only by the old six string. 

That said, I have been having a lot of fun working out a solo set. I do tend to write most of my songs on acoustic guitar, so it would stand to reason that most of them should translate rather well to the stripped down format. And after testing out my theory extensively in the shred shed, it turns out my hypothesis is correct. Just as one can always expect water to be wet, these songs, which were written on acoustic guitar, seem to translate well to an acoustic guitar. 

At any rate, I'm looking forward to kicking of the summer with a slightly softer, acoustic bang. In addition to playing, I'm really looking forward to seeing Cory Branan do his thing. He writes music that sounds good, and plays it well. All in all he's a talented guy. In short, the cat can play... I highly recommend checking him out if you haven't already. 

Dates below:

June 12th - The Dip (Supporting Cory Branan) - Redding, CA

June 13th - Amnesia (Supporting Cory Branan) - San Francisco, CA

June 14th - The Crepe Place (Supporting Cory Branan) - Santa Cruz, CA

See you soon!