2018 - A Musical Prophecy...

Good gravy... it's been a while... Far too long, I dare say. 

What have I been up to, you ask? Have I been busy working on something new? Rest assured, I have indeed been busy, concocting a potent new elixir of sorts. This elixir, unlike some, is not made of liquids, herbs, or any other orally digestible ingredients that may jump to the forefront of one's mind whilst attempting to imagine such a thing... Rather, this elixir is made of sound... Auditorily ingestible sound... Sound in the form of songs. 

That's right, I (with the help of some ear wizards of the first degree) have brewed a powerful blend of songs in the form of an album. They've been growing and incubating in an egg-like state, and I have been sitting on them... much like a musical hen...waiting...nurturing...

When will these sound eggs hatch? The answer to that is quite simple... This very year... when the weather is hot... A time betwixt the spring and the fall...The summer...


Anyways, hope all is well on your end. Excited about finally putting new music out and playing some shows with the band. I'll check back in soon. 

