Something didn't sit right...
Hey All,
After sharing my last post, something didn’t sit right about taking up space in on the internet for any personal reasons just now. It is, I feel a moral obligation as a human being right now to stand up against racism of all kinds and specifically abuse of power and violent acts towards black people in this country and around the world.
After talking it over and thinking about it, I’ve decided to postpone my single release by a couple of weeks and instead ask anyone reading this to consider donating to one of the below organizations. In addition to this I’ll be following the lead of some other musicians and friends and donating all online vinyl and CD proceeds from now through this Friday to the George Floyd Memorial GoFundMe page.
Consider donating to:
George Floyd Memorial GoFundMe
I’ll be back in touch with a new release date soon. Hope your today’s better than yesterday and your tomorrow’s better than today.