Behind The Magic, Ep. 1 - "What I Mean To Say" layering overview
Hey gang,
What a time to be alive! All things considered, I feel pretty lucky to be able to shelter in place comfortably and to continue to work on music from home, but I will say that I’ve been starting to get fairly antsy, and most of all been missing connecting to the outside world!
In a parallel universe, I’d be out on tour right at this moment somewhere up in the Pacific Northwest, but like everyone else’s, my plans are on hold.
On that note though, I wanted to start finding more creative ways to share my new music, so I’m going to start posting these behind the magic videos on a regular basis.
This particular video takes a birds-eye look at the layering for the big finale chorus and ending of the song I put out last month, “What I Mean To Say”. Some video’s will get more specific and focus on one or two things in more details and some will be more broad. If you want to see anything in particular please send me a message or drop a comment and let me know what! I’d ideally like to post something that at least someone would enjoy watching.
In other news, thanks to everyone who’s listened to the song, it’s gotten some really nice reviews and even scored an official Apple Music playlist placement. Check out a few reviews below, and check out the song itself HERE and save it to your own library/playlist.
Music Mecca - Review and Interview
Hope you enjoy and I’ll check back in soon!