Holy Moly is this thing still on? It’s been a while since a good old fashioned blog post. I haven’t dissapeared! In fact I’ve been busy working on a ton of new music. The 1st batch of which is out right this very minute! My brand spanking new EP entitled Leaving is out now!

I started working on this thing in 2022 if you believe that! I began with a full length LP in mind, but as the songs started coming together it started to feel like 2 separate groups of songs that were, although similar conceptually, pretty different sonically. About half were really mellow, introspective melancholic indie songs with a folky and singer-songwriter sort of touch. The other half were a little louder, noisier and some of them were more power-pop/indie rock. I’ve certainly released albums and EPs containing a mixed bag before, but I wanted to try something different this time & separate them out to have a couple of really consistent sounding EPs.

My plan was (and still is) to release a physical version once the 2nd EP is out containing both EPs - one on each side (so probably cassette and/or vinyl.

I’m really proud of this EP & when I listen back it reminds me of a lot of things. It documents a time of a lot of change over the last couple/few years. Aside from all the change everyone had to go through as a human species, I also moved out of state & dealt with some loss. I’ve been lucky and still am to have not had to deal with a whole lot of loss relatively speaking, so when I say a lot of loss I guess I mean more loss than I’m used to. These songs helped me process things while I was in what seemed like a pretty long cycle of constant movement. I feel like I’m starting to pontificate a little too much now.. Long story short is that this EP means a lot to me & making it helped me deal with some life stuff. I hope anyone reading this can find something in it to make them feel better in some way or another.

Anywho, I hope you enjoy it & I look forward to keeping this train a’rollin’ so to speak.

Stream the EP Here: https://henrychadwick.fanlink.tv/Leaving

Thanks so much!

Hope you have a great weekend,
